Monday, April 1, 2013


I feel like I've been a bit wordy lately, so I'll keep this post about my family's visit mostly visual.

We went on walks to the library and around the neighborhood.

There was a high level of Cheez-it consumption in the car. Most of it was done by a rather short person.

We played with Geo Trax

Lots and lots of Geo Trax

We spent time at the park, enjoying the slightly warmer weather

After ignoring me for most of the week, as he tends to do when other people are around, Henry finally snuggled with me the last night my parents were here

1 comment:

  1. Ahh, he's such a big boy, eatin' Cheez-Its!! I can't believe it. Glad he still gives you some attention when no one else is around... haha. I have a feeling Nathaniel will be like that too.
