Saturday, March 17, 2012

Warm, Warmer, Warmest

I'm sure you've been wondering how the Fishers enjoy the warm weather. Here are just a few of the ways.

Family walks along the Riverwalk. Possible during the week because the sun doesn't go down until after 7, which is probably the only good thing about the time change.

Drives around Belle Isle

Eating dinner on restaurant patios. Traffic Jam and Snug is our most recent find. Guy Fieri may have made the discovery, but we'll take the credit. Best BLT ever, cool hipster atmosphere.

Don't let the scowl fool you, Henry quite enjoys being outside. His favorite things to look at are bushes and dogs.


  1. what a little handsome fellow. Dogs are a favorite thing around here too.

  2. Henry is a cutie. I want to go to fun restaurants and eat outside! Something to look forward to next time I'm in Detroit.
