Wednesday, June 6, 2012


This video says many things about Henry. First of all, yes he is teething. Secondly, he prefers rubbing items over his teeth instead of biting them. I don't know if this means he is creative or just lazy. Third of all, he has learned to shake his head back and forth, which he now does all the time. It looks like he is constantly saying no. Fourth, one of his favorite things to play with is a remote. Whether it is for the TV, Wii, or whatever, if he sees one he will grab for it and inevitably push buttons making something happen that I will not know how to reverse. The only thing he likes doing more is ripping paper. Last, he now smiles/squawks every time he sees me. It's wonderful.


  1. Okay, he TOTALLY looks like you when he smiles!! So cute!

  2. Violet gave this video two thumbs up. Well, she would if she knew how to work her thumbs. So cute.

  3. G loves loves the wii remote and teeths on it (he likes the rubber part). I guess it worked because 4 teeth came in all at once about a week or two ago!
