Tuesday, June 22, 2010


We had an amazing time in Cambodia this weekend. We spent Friday and Saturday in the city of Siem Reap. There we were able to see the Angkor ruins, which is the largest religious compound in the world. Every temple we saw was breathtaking in size and beauty.  Words can't do this place justice, so prepare yourself for a lot of your pictures (we took over 500 this weekend, so this is just the tip of the iceberg). I'm still working on getting our pictures online. When I do, you should see a link over on the right called "photos." Then you can peruse all of the other pictures we haven't been posting.

This temple is at the top of a hill and we hiked up here for a view of the sunset (which we never actually saw because it was overcast). We spent awhile on the roof enjoying the view.

We had our own personal tuk-tuk driver (kind of like a carriage hooked to the back of a motorbike) and he was great, usually singing or whistling as he drove us.

For dinner, we went to Pub Street and ate at a place that let us barbeque our own meat. This is me cooking the snake and crocodile (which we ate in addition to beef and shrimp that included, much to my disgust, the head, tail, and legs.

The food was good and the atmosphere was really fun--there were tv's all over that were showing the World Cup.

We got up at about 4:30 to see the sunrise behind Angkor Wat. As you can see, it was worth it.

Angkor Wat

Another shot of Angkor Wat

After the sun rose, we explored the temple. It was huge.

Another famous structure here is Ta Prohm, which is overgrown with giant trees.

This temple is called Bayon. If you look closely, you can see faces on all of the towers.

The temple walls were covered with carved murals. We each took turns making up stories.

This building was once a Buddhist monastery and university.

On our way to Phnom Penh we ate bugs. A great way to end such a cultural experience.


  1. I like the pictures of you guys flapping your arms. AND of you eating the bugs! Were they delicious? :)

  2. They weren't bad. They were crunchy and kind of tasted like butter, the only problem was the legs. The legs kept getting stuck between your teeth.
