Tuesday, February 1, 2011

Mundane; adj: ordinary, commonplace, routine

Okay, so we've (I've) been bad about updating our posts. And apparently I'm getting some flack for it. I keep waiting for something news-worthy to happen, but alas that time still hasn't come. I was hoping the foreign service results would be that thing, but the funny thing about bad news is it's not that exciting to share. So to keep the masses happy, I will provide a mundane summary of our lives at the moment.

Ben's in his last real semester of being an undergrad (though he'll take a capstone class in the spring and end in June). He's still working at the MTC and starting to apply for full-time jobs. We've decided not to go the grad school route right away. Considering our situation and chosen field, it just seems to make more sense for him to get some work experience first. So we'll probably end up staying in Provo (hopefully Orem actually) for another little while. Hopefully this means we'll be in the position to travel more (I haven't been to Warrensburg in so long and I'm starting to feel it). New York City and The Grand Canyon are also on our list, not to mention the MacPherson family cruise in November.

I'm just working two jobs--at the Tahitian Noni call center during the day and transcribing at Utah Valley University in the evenings. Ben and I also work at the temple Saturday nights, which has been a great opportunity for both of us. I'm still in the market for another job (shhh) and I'm hoping to hear some responses soon. I know we're incredibly blessed that I can work so much, but it would be nice to work one job and be done at 5 every day instead of 8. It's amazing how something that is possible when you're single becomes exhausting when you're married. Maybe Ben just requires a lot of energy....

We were able to attend a sealing yesterday in Salt Lake. It was a great experience to see a live sealing (the first time for me since our own). It's amazing how much easier it is to pay attention when you're just sitting on the sidelines. We were also able to spend the weekend with Russell and Kim (and David and Kenneth) and see Sherrie and her kids. Family is another one of those added bonuses that has us wanting to stick around for a little while longer.

So there you have it. Hopefully in the next few weeks I will be able to post some more exciting (job) news. Feel free to pray, cross your fingers, wish on a star, or whatever else might make a difference.