Wednesday, May 30, 2012

Like Mommy Like Son

Everyone that meets Henry has always said that he looks just like Ben. That's great and all, but half my reason for procreating was to get some mini-me's. And despite what other people say, I see a lot of similarities between Henry and me. So here is my argument that he does not only have Ben's features:

I'm not saying we're twins, but come on. Those are some similarly chubby-cheeked, button-nosed babies. After all, Henry didn't get his blonde hair from Ben.


  1. Too bad there are no known pictures of Ben, otherwise there could be a side by side comparison. That's what happens when you are the seventh child.

  2. I see no resemblance! haha, totally kidding. He is definitely your kid! And so cute, too!

  3. That's funny - I don't think he looks like Ben at all. I think he totally looks more like you and your family. Either way he's a cutie, and Aunt Rachel misses him :)

  4. Ben, there are too pictures of you. You just happen to be wearing a pink nightgown in all of them so we try not to release them into the world.

    Seventh child. Wha waaa

  5. There is a lovely picture... even if you are a little bit older... of you pinching Daniel while dressed in a striped T-Shirt and undies. I actually think cameras only existed in Germany. I don't recall any pictures pre- or post-Germany. Maybe that was the problem.
