Monday, March 12, 2012

A rant and a rave

Please bear with me while I go off on a bit of a rant. I do not understand why women think it's okay to insult their husbands in front of other women. I have come to realize lately that when women get together, a common topic of conversation is the faults of their husbands (and children, but that's another rant for another day). Even if their husbands are incompetent (which I think may be the case for some of them), I don't think a wife should complain about her husband to other people.

 To make up for this gross error in judgement, I wanted to list a few of my own husband's many good qualities.

  • Ben loves children. He is often more interested in talking to/playing with them than he is with adults
  • He loves our son. One of his favorite parts of the week is his Saturday morning alone time with Henry
  •  He is an excellent cook (and baker). He can effortlessly whip up a delicious meal that he made up on the spot
  • He is tall, so he can reach high shelves, and he is strong, so he can open tight lids
  • He is athletic. There really isn't a sport that he isn't at the very least competent at. In other words, he is not a pansy.
  • He loves museums. Like, really loves them
  • If he thinks something is really funny, he will have one, loud outburst of a laugh that often turns heads
  • He loves my family almost as much as he loves his own. And he is an excellent example to my little brothers
  • He makes me laugh. A lot
  • He thinks I'm beautiful even when I don't shower
  • When he lies, his nostrils flare. Then when I ask him if he is lying he says, yes. And his lies usually involve whether or not he ate something off my plate while I was in the bathroom.
  • He goes out of his way to help and befriend others. He even spent 10 minutes at a church activity talking to what he thought was a new investigator but was really an intoxicated homeless man who had wandered in off the street
  • He likes going grocery shopping with me
  • He is a worthy priesthood holder who can give me blessings when I need them

1 comment:

  1. Ugh! That is a major pet peeve of mine. Not only are you going to like your husband less when you complain about him to others, but they will like him less too! Not a good way to build a strong marriage :)
