Monday, May 24, 2010

Pictures, pictures, pictures

It's been a busy few days, so I thought I would put up some pictures so everyone can get a glimpse of our day-to-day lives.

Ben, Adele and Alaina working on the fort we built in Adele's room. We watched The Kid inside the fort.

At Villa, a shopping center, for 10 baht you can have a machine spit out fish food and then these huge catfish come up and fight for the food. It's crazy.

The bus/truck thing that I ride to work every day. It's pronounced "Song-Tau" and basically it's just benches and a roof put over the back of a truck bed. And it only costs 6 baht.

Anvida Kindergarten, where I teach English three times a week.

The Pinvises' house, where we are staying. The window at the very top that you can barely see is our room.


  1. That looks like an interesting neighborhood! I agree about the fairy tale witch house, it looks a little spooky, but cute at the same time...

  2. Oooh... I like your new blog look. How did you do it?
